April Faculty Development Commitee Minutes
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April 20, 2006
3:00 pm - Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard Apprenticeship Conference Room

Attending: Jerry Cerny, Monir Hodges, Femar Lee, Jeannie Shaw, and Rick Ziegler
Unable to attend: Bernadette Howard, Rona Wong, and Lisa Yogi

The following handouts were distributed:

New Business

  1. Foundation Account: Jerry shared the Faculty Development UH Foundation Account Statement with the committee members. The current balance is $5054.19. The committee members approved $35.21 for leis and refreshments at the 4/5/06 Committee on Social Equity presentation, "Gender Matters (or not): Success Stories from the Field." The committee members also approved $497.00 for a 2006-07 limited on-site subscription to the "Teaching for Success" Faculty Development Newsletter. These newsletters are distributed, via routing slips, monthly to all faculty members at HCC.
  2. After Graduation Party: Jeannie summarized her plans for the after graduation party. She is coordinating with Emily Kukulies on several items. They will check with the caterer to see if they can cater food for the students and for the after graduation party. The Royal Hawaiian Band will not be performing this year so set-up before the ceremony is a possibility. Jeannie asked for help to set-up at 4:00. She also needs help after to cleanup. Jerry will help Bert Shimabukuro with drinks. Jerry will send another email reminder out to the campus next week and continue to collect money for the party. Jeannie will put flyers in mailboxes soon. The Faculty Development supply of paper and plastic ware will be used.
  3. Thank yous: Jerry thanked all committee members for their help and support for another successful year in Faculty Development at HCC. He distributed thank you letters to each member.
  4. Membership next year: Monir, Jeannie and Lisa are closing out their two years of service on the committee. New members from their divisions will be selected to serve for the next two years. Rick stated that he would stay on the committee next year unless there is a junior faculty member from the University College who wants to serve. Femar and Rona will serve another year.
Open Discussion
  1. Monir asked if an end of year report is due. Jerry stated that currently the FSEC requires a report from committee each semester. A fall report was submitted in December and the spring report is due May 1. Jerry has this report nearly complete.
  2. Rich suggested that a series of presentation be offered next year utilizing faculty colleague volunteers. Several are doing very interesting things and may be willing to share with other faculty in a lunch brownbag or other forum.
  3. Jeannie conducted a short, but very informative tour of the apprenticeship facilities at the facilities. She was also thanked for the snacks she provided for the meeting.
  4. Jerry conducted a van tour of Pearl Harbor and Ford Island following the meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:50 pm.


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