October Faculty Development Commitee Minutes
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October 5, 2005
3:00 pm - PCATT Conference Room, 2-510

Attending: Jerry Cerny, Monir Hodges, Femar Lee, Jeannie Shaw and Rona
Unable to attend:  Bernadette Howard, Pat Patterson and Lisa Yogi
Guest:  Sheryl Legaspi

1.	The following handouts were distributed;

- Committee Meeting Agenda
- Calendar of October Faculty Development Activities
- HGTS Teachers Seminar Follow-up Workshop flyer
- Teachers Talking Seminar on Adult Learning flyer
- Career Access Training Session flyer
- Application for Faculty Development Funding
- Faculty Development Committee Activity Evaluation form
- Reappointment Application and Tenure/Promotion Dossier Preparation
	Workshop Evaluation Summary

Old Business

1. Fall Activities:  Monir reported that Jeannie, Lisa and she had met and
discussed fall and spring activities.  She said that adult learning,
security awareness, Internet fraud and identity theft are possible topics
for future workshops.  She also said that Leon Florendo is willing to
offer another True Colors workshop this fall.  This will be a Wo Speakers
Bureau presentation. Jeannie added that they have developed the plans for
a "Lunch and Learn" brown-bag series of workshops to be offered over the
lunch hour.  Two topics currently being planned for the series are
customer relations/service and security.  Nicole Bremness is available on
November 3 to present a workshop on customer relations/service.  Jeff
Owens is available to present a workshop on security.  This will be
offered in the spring.  The committee members agreed to offer stipends of
up to $150 for each of these presenters. Jerry shared that a Teachers
Talking Seminar showcasing the HCC Hawaii Great Teachers Seminar
participants, a Teachers Talking Seminar on adult learning, a workshop on
Knowledge Surveys and a workshop on Career Access are all scheduled for
this fall.  Flyers for three of these workshops were distributed.  Sheryl
Legaspi, current HCC Wo Learning Champion, attended the meeting and shared
the results of a Campus Professional Development Interest Survey that she
recently conducted.  Responses were received from 111 faculty and staff.  
The top three areas of interest are technology skills, health and
wellness, and building team relationships.

2. Faculty Development Newsletter:  Jerry stated that the first draft of
the fall issue of the Faculty Development Newsletter is nearly complete.  
He will share it with Rona for final editing soon.  He also asked members
to continue to gather professional development items from their division
colleagues to be included in the Faculty Spotlight section. The date of
issue of the Newsletter is Friday, October 21.

3. Perkins Leadership Professional Development Awards:  Bernadette had
shared last meeting she was proposing to the UHCC System CTE Deans and the
Perkins Office the $10,000 HCC received in Perkins leadership funds be
distributed for individual CTE faculty and staff professional development
and the application procedures and awards be made by the Faculty
Development Committee.  Although Bernadette was unable to attend this
meeting, Jerry shared that he had recently talked to Carol Pang, the
Perkins Director at the System Office.  Jerry is chairing a System Perkins
Professional Development Committee.  He was told that there is a good
possibility that the HCC request will not be approved.  The HCC proposal
may have to be modified.  The Perkins Office may pull money back from the
campuses and the Perkins Committee may be tasked to offer System-wide

4. Holiday Party:  Organizing an HCC Holiday Party was discussed last
meeting.  Jeannie suggested that because Bernadette was the strongest
advocate for the Holiday Party at the last meeting, she be contacted to
lead this.  It was suggested that perhaps she could chair a Holiday Party
committee of 2nd floor admin personnel.  The Faculty Development Committee
members would assist in this effort.  Jerry stated that he would share
this suggestion with Bernadette.

New Business

1. Foundation Account:  Jerry stated that the lunch for the Accreditation
Self-Study Standard chairs and committee members cost $117.39.  The
Faculty Development Committee members had earlier approved, via email, $75
for this lunch.  The $117.39 amount was now approved.  Rona stated that
the chairs and committee members are working hard and deserve this lunch.
2. Professional Development Award:  The application for faculty
development professional development funding awards was approved with the
dates changed to reflect the current academic year.  Jerry stated that he
would ask Todd Kobayashi to change the .pdf file on the Faculty
Development Website.  October 28 was chosen as the deadline for submission
of the applications.  Fall awards will be evaluated at the November
committee meeting.  Jerry also stated he would send an email announcement
to the faculty with application access information as soon as Todd changes
the on-line .pdf form.

3. Spring Activities:  As earlier discussed, Jeff Owens will be scheduled
for a "Lunch and Learn" security workshop in the spring.  Rona suggested
that supervisors be encouraged to let staff attend.  Monir, Lisa and
Jeannie will continue to develop ideas for activities and bring
suggestions for speakers from the Wo Speakers Bureau list to future
Faculty Development Committee meetings.  Femar mentioned she has a contact
for a workshop on adult learning.  She will find the information and
report at a future meeting.

4. WILD Day: Sheryl expressed her appreciation for being invited to this
meeting and for the assistance the Faculty Development Committee members
have volunteered for the Wo Innovation in Learning Day (WILD). The date
for WILD is the first Friday in March, March 3.  The Tsunoda Leaderships
Committee members, Diane Caulfield and Kyle Higa are HCC's members, want
to partner with the Wo Leadership Champions (WLC) on the activities of
this day.  Sheryl stated that the Tsunoda Leadership members are producing
a DVD on leadership, which they will want to show that day. Initial plans
for the WILD day include presenting breakouts along two strands -
technology and health and wellness.  It was suggested that hands-on
activities be included.  Although the Wo project will contribute money, it
was also suggested that a $5.00 fee be charged for attending the day.  
Jerry suggested that a meeting with Ramsey be scheduled soon with Sheryl
and the former HCC WLCs.  Sheryl said she would facilitate setting this
up.  She also said she would check with ETC to begin the initial
discussions on food for the day - continental breakfast and lunch.  Jerry
suggested that the Staff Development Council be contacted in regards to an
afternoon excursion for the day.  Two very interesting and fun afternoon
excursions were part of the last two WILD/Excellence in Education days.

5.	Faculty Development Activities Evaluation/Assessment:  Jerry
stated that the Mission and Effectiveness section of the Accreditation
Self-Study report contains questions addressing the assessment and
effectiveness of professional development activities.  Jerry distributed a
Faculty Development activity evaluation that assesses activities in
relationship to HCC's core values and mission.  He also distributed the
compiled results of the evaluations, which were collected at the two
Reappointment Application and Tenure/Promotion Dossier Preparation
Workshops offered earlier in September.  He mentioned that Monir, Lisa and
Jeannie could especially look at the results of the question, "What other
professional development activities would you like coordinated by the
Faculty Development Committee?" to obtain ideas for future activities.

Open Discussion

1. After graduation party:  Jeannie stated the she will work with Emily on
the After-Graduation party to be held in the Shell following graduation.
It is assumed that the Faculty Development Committee will support this
party with workers and money.  Jeannie suggests that a fee, perhaps $5.00
each, should be charged this year.

The next meeting is scheduled for a Wednesday, November 2, 3:00 pm,
location TBA.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:05 pm.

cc:	Committee Members
	Ramsey Pedersen, Chancellor
	Sharon Ota, Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
	Chris Ann Moore, FSEC Chair

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