Science/Physics 122 Information

Program Responses

Do not send the reponse as an attachment unless it contains graphics, or requires special formatting.

The assignment is to write a 'one page' response to each program. The choice of what to write about is yours.

The 'one page' is merely a guideline for an appropriate amount to write. It need not be double spaced, but should be at least 250 words, the equivalent of one page of text that is double spaced with one-inch margins.

You can choose one or more questions from the program, the study guide, or the texts. You can pose your own question, or address one of the objectives from the study guide.

Many students like to summarize the program, or to write a short essay about something in the program that relates to his or her own experiences.

The intent is that each student will be able to take a unique path through the course by relating the class material to his or her interests, to each individual's experiences. Regardless of what you write about, writing about the progam is the best way to focus your thoughts on the material that is covered in the program.

Writing is not easy, but it will come once you get started. The freedom to choose topic, style, form, structure in any piece of writing is difficult, but writing the responses will get easier as the course progresses and you have written more and more. Don't forget that you can refer to the study guide and the online text of the program.

Just start writing. Here are some examples to get you started:

"Today's program was about . . ."

"The one thing I really liked/did not like about this program was . . ."

"I understood most of the program today, but ____________ really confused me."

"The statement about ___________ made me think about a time when . . ."

Many times the first few paragraphs wind up being discarded, deleted from the text entirely, or rewritten to lead logically into the rest. Good writing is rarely written only once. At least it should be read through once or twice.

This may sound like it is will consume a lot of time. It won't, if you just do it and don't think too much about it. The idea is not to try to over think it, but to just see what's on your mind as it flows into your fingers on the keyboard.

The only requirements are that it relate to the program and that it be at least 250 words.

The response can be single spaced, and should be submitted in the form of an e-mail message. The note in the syllabus about double-spacing and one-inch margins is merely a way for you to visualize and estimate 250 words.

So get started writing before you think about it too much! When you're done, send it to Laulima (not as an attachment).

Please read the section about how to submit responses here.