March Faculty Development Committee Minutes
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March 2, 2010
3:30 pm - 2-510

Attending: Jerry Cerny, Silvan Chung, Carol Hasegwa, Ralph Kam, Jessica Kaniho, Steve Mandraccia, and Guy Shibayama
Guest: Kyle Higa, Ken Johnson, Emily Kukulies, Shanon Miho, Jonathan Wong and Lisa Yogi

Handouts - the following handouts were distributed to the committee members

  • Meeting Agenda
  • WILD Flyer
  • SoftChalk Workshop Flyer
  • Professional Development Fund application summary

Old Business

  1. Spring Activities - Jerry stated that several workshops are scheduled in the near future. He reminded the members that Ken Kato has money and will pay for grant activities. The Faculty Development Committee, the Native Hawaiian Center and the DE Program are co-sponsoring a SoftChalk Workshop on March 10. SoftChalk is a web lesson editor that lets faculty easily create engaging, interactive web lessons for their e-learning classrooms. Carol and Stefanie Sasaki will be offering a Library Workshop on March 19. Jerry stated if colleagues ask for specific professional development activities to let him know and workshops would be set-up.

  2. Webmail Transition Workshops - at the last meeting, Steve suggested that Webmail Transition Workshop be offered to assist faculty and staff in email migration. Jerry checked with the personnel at ITC and also Sam Rhoads and Vern Takebayashi, who had offered email transition assistant, and the consensus was to offer one-on-one assistance and not have scheduled group workshops.

  3. Faculty Development Committee Reports on the Intranet - at the last meeting, Ralph stated that committee reports should be posted on the HCC Intranet. Jerry sent Todd Kobayashi several .pdf files of past reports, including the one for the Fall 2009 Semester, and they are now posted in the reports section of the committee section of the Intranet.

New Business

  1. WILD - Emily and Guy gave an extensive overview of the planned activities for the day. The draft schedule for the day, including workshop descriptions and lunch information was distributed. It was suggested the files of these documents be sent to Todd and he will post them on the Intranet. Emily will email the campus when they have been posted. Jerry and Jonathan are coordinating sign-up and money collection. Jerry gave Emily and Guy $300 that has been collected. Volunteers for duties for the day were solicited. Personnel lists, by division, were distributed and volunteers were identified to call faculty and staff who have not yet registered. Emily stressed that this will be a very fun day and people need to know that. Getting this word out will help registration numbers.

  2. Foundation Account - as approved via email, the Committee members agreed to give the HS2HCC Committee $225 for faculty and staff lunches following the morning activities of the day.

  3. Spring Faculty Professional Development Fund Applications - Jerry distributed a summary of Professional Development Fund Applications. The actual applications were on hand. After a short discussion, the funding amounts were agreed upon. $7580 was awarded for activities and $2400 was held back for two colleagues to attend the Hawaii Great Teachers Seminar. Stefanie Sasaki, Sterling Foster and Charlene Gima have been approved to attend the HGTS with campus and Perkins funds. One more slot is available and Jerry asked the members to solicit a volunteer from their divisions. Ralph suggested the new Hawaiian Studies instructor, Mark Luke, be asked to go. Faculty receiving money and the amounts are available from the Coordinator upon request.

Open Discussion

  1. The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 6, 3:30 pm. Jessica volunteered to find a meeting place in Cosmetology.


The meeting was adjourned at 5:00 pm.


  • Committee Members
  • Mike Rota, Chancellor
  • Erika Lacro, Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs
  • Ron Pine, FSEC Chair

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