April Faculty Development Commitee Minutes
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April 1, 2011
9:00 am - 2-516B

Attending: Jerry Cerny, Silvan Chung, Carol Hasegawa, Ralph Kam and Cyndi Uyehara
Unable to attend: Monir Hodges, Steve Mandraccia and Norman Takeya


Old Business

  1. Spring Faculty Professional Development Money - Jerry distributed a spreadsheet of the money awarded this spring. No money was awarded during the fall semester. He thanked Ralph for the suggestion to pay for faculty professional development memberships. Thirty-seven faculty have requested payment of professional memberships with just under $5000 requested. The deadline for applying for this is today. On Monday Jerry will send an email to the Fiscal Officer requesting the money to be transferred into each faculty's departmental account. Jerry announced there is one open slot for the Hawaii Great Teachers Seminar this summer. Jerry has asked a faculty colleague if she wants to attend. Carol stated she would attend if the colleague says no and she clears it with Irene, the Head Librarian.

New Business

  1. Spring Activities

  2. End-of-Year Report - Jerry announced that although he has not received a request yet, he anticipates receiving a request for an End-of-Year Report before the end of the semester. He will prepare and submit the report.

  3. Thank you letters - Jerry distributed thank you letters to the committee members present. He also thanked each member for the hard work of the committee this year.

  4. 2011-12 Membership - Jerry reminded the members that there is a two-year commitment for serving on the committee. Steve, Carol and Silvan are finishing up their second years so will not serve next year. Norman, Cyndi and Monir will serve on more year. The Committee on Committees will determine the needed replacements.

Open Discussion

  1. Ralph suggested that with the large numbers of retirements anticipated in the next few years, Faculty Development organized a speaker's event where each has an opportunity to make a presentation with a "last lecture" type format.

  2. Carol stated that serving on the committee for two years has been a very pleasant experience. She appreciates the early view point of professional development activities serving on the committee has given her.

  3. Jerry stated that it was a rewarding spring semester because of the additional money the committee had to award. He reminded the members that the committee will contribute money from the UH Foundation Account for the After Graduation Party. Ralph stated that the additional professional development funding might continue and the committee might have sufficient funds to continue to pay for faculty professional memberships in subsequent years.

  4. There will be no May meeting unless pressing issues which cannot be handled via email, arise.


    The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 am.


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