November Faculty Development Commitee Minutes


November 5, 2004
9:00 am - Library Study Room #112

Attending: Dolores Donovan, Monir Hodges, Dennis Kawaharada, Sherrie
Rupert, Jeannie Shaw, Linda Soma and Lisa Yogi
Unable to attend:  Jerry Cerny

1. The following handouts were distributed;

- Committee Meeting Agenda
- Calendar of November Faculty Development Activities

New Business

1. Fall/Spring Activities - A calendar of November Faculty Development
Activities was distributed.  Many of the activities this fall have been
those co-sponsored with other campus groups.  No new requests have been
received for professional development activities for the fall. Lisa and
Monir will be working on spring activities.  Lisa reported that the Wo
Learning Champions has put together a list of speakers who will be
available to campuses and paid for by Wo funds.  She also reported that
Muriel Fujii will be doing workshops on all campuses this spring.  
Jeannie has earlier shared names of possible speakers.

2. Professional Development Awards - $2249 in faculty professional
development funds were approved.  This was given to seven faculty members.
All were funded as requested except one who received reduced funding to
put her at the $1000 maximum for funding.  A list of applicants and amount
funded is available from the Coordinator upon request.

3. Faculty Development Foundation Account - The Committee approved funds
for refreshments for an upcoming non-instructional assessment workshop.

Open Discussion

1. Lisa reported that the Faculty/Staff Development Day on March 4, 2005,
will not be a Wo Innovation in Learning Day (WILD).  Other campuses will
be focusing on assessment by Ramsey is leaving the theme decision up the
HCC's committee.  Lisa and Jerry will be part of the planning committee.  
Dolores mentioned that more publicity is needed for this day. Last year a
lecturer was unaware of the event and this shouldn't happen again.

There will be no meeting, unless important issues arise that would
necessitate one, in December. The next meeting will be scheduled for
January 2005.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 am.

cc:	Committee Members
	Ramsey Pedersen, Chancellor
	Sharon Ota, Dean of Academic Affairs
	Jim Poole, FSEC Chair

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