Disability Accommodations
The following accommodations are available through the Student ACCESS Office:
- Building access and evacuation plan
- Special equipment:
- Digital recorders
- Talking calculators
- Amplification devices
- Reading Edge
- Sign language interpreters
- Audio or electronic books
- Enlargement of printed materials
- Adjustable desks and chairs
- Testing accommodations
- Notetakers
- Scribes
- Readers
- Lab assistants
- Enlarged materials
- Computer access including:
- Zoomtext 9.1
- Dragon Professionally Speaking Ver. 7
- Adaptive keyboards
- Large screen monitor
- Closed Circuit TV
Student ACCESS
Honolulu Community College
Building 7, Room 302
874 Dillingham Boulevard
Honolulu, Hawaii 96817-4598
Phone: (808) 844-2392 voice/text
ADA/Section 504 Coordinator:
Wayne Sunahara, Dean of Academic Support
Honolulu Community College
Building 7, Room 326
874 Dillingham Boulevard
Honolulu, Hawaii 96817-4598
Phone: (808) 845-9264
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