Having a job while attending school is a great way to earn extra income, build a professional network and gain valuable work experience. Explore employment opportunities here.
Employment Opportunities
Please note that the websites below require an account to login.
On-Campus Employment
Sign in with your UH username and password.
Off-Campus Employment
Sign in with your UH username and password.
Federal Work Study
The Federal Work Study (FWS) Program offers subsidized part-time employment opportunities for students who have received FWS as part of their financial aid package. Most positions are on campus, with a few positions at community service sites.
Virtual Job Board
Flyers, bulletins, and recruitment announcements provided by employers are posted here. All current students and alumni of HonCC may view these recent postings, shared on the Career Services Google drive. You must be logged into (or able to access) your hawaii.edu account in order to use this link.