Honolulu Community College (HonCC) is committed to safely providing education and promoting a healthy environment that supports the well-being of our students, faculty and staff. This page will be updated regularly with information about campus operations, resources and frequently asked questions.
All student and academic support services are available remotely, including by phone, email or online. On-campus student support services will be available Monday to Friday from 8:00 am until 4:30 pm. It is highly recommended to conduct remote/virtual meetings and make appointments in advance for in-person meetings.
Campus Security
HonCC is committed to providing a safe and secure campus environment for students, faculty, staff, and guests. This page responds to the needs of the campus community and to the Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act of 1990.
Functioning under the administration of the Vice Chancellor of Administrative Services, Campus Security provides security service for the campus and is located on the main Dillingham Boulevard campus in Building 72B. The unit is staffed by a Security Supervisor and six Security Officers who are on duty on a 24 hour/7 days schedule Monday through Sunday. Campus buildings are protected by a silent alarm system.
Campus Security Officers ensure compliance with federal, state, and local laws, as well as the rules and regulations of HonCC. They patrol the campus by vehicle and on foot, and perform the full range of public safety services dealing with incident reports, campus investigations, medical and fire emergencies, traffic accidents, enforcement of laws regulating the use of alcohol, drugs, and weapons, and all other situations requiring Campus Security assistance. Upon request, Campus Security will conduct presentations in crime prevention and campus security procedures.
Campus Security Officers do not have police powers and are not authorized to carry firearms; any campus incident requiring an arrest is referred to the Honolulu Police Department. Campus Security officers are trained in areas such as emergency first aid, CPR, report writing, investigative skills, and other security issues by experts from federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies. HonCC maintains good working relations with local law enforcement agencies.
Campus Security Officers conduct routine facility and landscaping assessment to minimize hazardous conditions. They check exterior lighting, doors, and shrubbery for unsafe conditions and report to the Maintenance Department where repairs are given priority.
HonCC’s facilities are open to students, faculty, staff, and the public during the day and evening hours when classes are in session. During the times that HonCC is officially closed, buildings are locked, and access must be authorized by the Vice Chancellor of Administrative Services (VCAS). A HonCC Facilities Use form must be submitted and approved by the VCAS before access is allowed.
HonCC’s crime prevention programs are based upon the dual concept of eliminating or minimizing opportunities for crime, while encouraging students and employees to assume responsibility for their own safety and the safety of others by taking common sense precaution. The following is a listing of HonCC’s crime prevention programs.
- Escort Services – By policy, Campus Security provides escort services for anyone requesting an escort when walking on campus at night. An escort will accompany you to any facility or vehicle parked on campus, and can be summoned to your location by calling Campus Security at (808) 284-1270.
- Facilities and Grounds Surveys – All potential safety and security hazards observed by Campus Security Officers on patrol are promptly reported to the appropriate unit for corrective action. The Security Supervisor also participates in the review of the safety issues and concerns of the College.
- Informational/Educational Programs – Informational programs related to sexual assault are offered during the academic year. These programs are publicized in campus publications and through flyers. As appropriate, referrals may be made to outside counseling services or agencies upon request.
A successful campus safety program needs the cooperation, involvement, and support of students and faculty. Take the following precautions:
The use of skateboards, roller skates, and in-line skates is prohibited on Campus. Mopeds, scooters, motorized bicycles, bicycles, unicycles, and Segways cannot be operated on the Campus Mall.
- Travel and park in lighted areas; travel in pairs, if possible; be aware of your surroundings; use the escort service.
- Report any suspicious persons or activities; report all incidents no matter how minor; report losses immediately.
- Be sure to lock/secure windows and doors in your office or room; lock your vehicles; store valuables out of view.
- Never loan keys to anyone as they are easily lost, stolen, or duplicated.
- Mark or engrave your belongings; don’t leave belongings/valuables unattended.
- Register your bike/moped.
Reporting Crimes and Emergencies
Students, faculty, and staff are encouraged to report all suspicious activities and/or persons observed on campus, all criminal incidents and violations, and all emergencies to Campus Security. At the three off-campus locations, the Marine Education Training Center, Airport Training Center & Pacific Aerospace Training Center, call 911 immediately for emergencies and criminal incidents and violations; report these incidents afterward to Campus Security at (808) 284-1270. In addition, we also have an anonymous telephone line; callers who have an incident or crime to report, but wish to remain anonymous may dial (808) 842-2595.
Calls should be made promptly to improve Campus Security and Police ability to prevent potential crimes, to apprehend suspects, and/or to investigate situations. Upon receipt of a call, a Security Officer will respond immediately to the site of the emergency. Every incident is investigated, and a report is filed by the Investigating Officer upon receipt of a complaint.
The daily crime log is kept by the head of the Campus Security Department. Daily activities are summarized, and appropriate incidents are reported in detail. Under the Clery Act, the institution is required to make the crime log for the most recent 60-day period open to public inspection during normal business hours. You may make a request to review the crime log at HonCC between Monday-Friday 9 AM to 4:30 PM excluding Federal and State holidays on the main campus at Building 72B Room 101 or contact security at 808-271-4836 to make an appointment.
Honolulu Community College has an obligation to make any portion of the crime log older than 60 days available within two business days of a request for public inspection.
The following Clery Act statistics are compiled yearly, are available upon request for prospective students and employees of the College and are distributed annually to current students and employees of the College.
- 2024 Annual Security Report (PDF)
- Campus Map for Crime Statistics in a larger map
- Embedded Google Map
Crime Statistics in other locations:
Important Telephone Numbers
HonCC Numbers
- Disability Services: (808) 845-9272
- Mental Health Counselor: (808) 845-9180
- Emergencies: (808) 284-1270
- Non-Emergencies: (808) 271-4836
Sexual Harassment Reporting:
- Students: (808) 845-9235
- Employees: (808) 847-9843
- Hotline for Confidential Reporting: (808) 842-2595
Community Assistance Programs
- Alcoholics Anonymous: (808) 946-1438
- ASK Aloha United Way (statewide referral service): 2-1-1
- Child Protective Services: (808) 832-5300
- Civil Defense Agency: (808) 523-4121
- CrimeStoppers: (808) 955-8300
- Domestic Violence Hotline: (808) 841-0822
- Narcotics Anonymous Helpline: (808) 734-4357
- Poison Control Center: (800) 222-1222
- Sex Abuse Treatment Center (Hotline): (808) 524-7273
- ACCESS (Suicide & Crisis Intervention): (808) 832-3100