The Testing Center will help ensure you are placed in the right classes through placement testing. We are responsible for delivering testing services such as UH Community College System placement testing, distance education testing, on-campus make-up testing, non-UH testing, and more.
Hours of Operation
Assigned appointments required. No Walk Ins.
- Monday 7:45 AM – 4:30 PM
- Tuesday 7:45 AM – 6:00 PM
- Wednesday – Thursday 7:45 AM – 4:30 PM
- Friday 7:45 AM – 1:00 PM
The Honolulu Community College Testing Center is closed on weekends, all state and federal holidays, and school closures. Face masks are no longer mandatory but will be encouraged for all in-person testing. If you are sick or have signs of illness on your scheduled test appointment day, you will be asked to reschedule your test appointment for a future date. Photo ID is required for testing.
View Spring 2025 Semester Calendar (PDF)
In-Person Academic Testing
Honolulu CC Testing Services are available by appointment only (individual walk-ins are available on case-by-case basis) and limited to Honolulu CC-based courses, disability accommodated testing for Honolulu CC-based courses, and/or Honolulu Community College-based students only. There are no remote proctoring options being offered.
In person academic testing services provided to Honolulu Community College based courses
and/or Honolulu Community College home-based students are as follows:
- Honolulu Community College Distance Education Courses: No proctoring services available to fully online distance learning courses.
- Honolulu Community College Face-to-face and Hybrid Courses: In-person pre-scheduled, make-up, accommodations, and limited whole class by assigned appointment testing only – individual walk ins on case-by-case basis. No remote proctoring options offered.
Honolulu CC Testing Center reserves the right to cancel and/or stop taking or offering reservations for test dates and/or test blocks based on limited availability, seating, and future COVID-19 issues.
Information for Instructors
All Honolulu Community College Instructors need to submit their course or accommodation testing request(s) to the Honolulu CC Testing Center 7 business days or more prior to planned exam date to All test requests will be limited to a maximum time limit of 1 hour & 15 minutes during the semester and 3 hours for Final Exams ONLY. All Honolulu CC Instructors that are interested in using our testing services are strongly encouraged to contact the testing center at or call 808-845-9130 during posted operational hours for more details, protocols, procedures, and test request forms. Testing procedures have changed due to COVID-19.
* Please note that all testing administrations are by assigned appointments only with no walk ins. Also, testing services for Distance Education Courses will be for individual make-up and accommodations testing only. There will be no whole class test proctoring option for Distance Education Courses.
** For individual make-up testing services, please contact the Honolulu Community College Testing Center ( or 808-845-9130) as test request submittals and student test appointment scheduling will be done directly in coordination with you and the testing center. Instructors, please contact the testing center for more information.
Information for Students
Before you try to reserve a test date and test block time, please check with your instructor that a test request has been submitted and received by the Honolulu CC Testing Center. No student reservations will be confirmed until instructors’ test requests are verified and confirmed.
Appointments by students will need to be made 5 – 10 business days in advance of planned test date and time block. No reservations can be made after 5 business days prior to intended test date and time block. No student appointments will be reserved until we have received and verified the test request form from the student’s instructor. All appointments will be by daily timed testing blocks limited to no more than 1 hour & 15 minutes per block and limited by seating and social distancing. There will be a special schedule for Final Exams.
** Students, please note that for individual make-up test appointments, all individual student make-up test appointments will be scheduled through your instructor in coordination with the Honolulu Community College Testing Center. The Honolulu Community College Testing Center will contact you directly after it has received a make-up test request from your instructor and coordinated a test appointment date and time for you.
Testing Time Blocks
Testing time blocks for daily academic testing will be offered as follows:
- Mondays: 9:00am – 10:15am; 11:30am – 12:45pm; 2:00pm – 3:15pm
- Tuesdays: 8:30am – 9:45am; 11:15am – 12:30pm; 1:30pm – 2:45pm; 3:45pm – 5:00pm
- Wednesdays – Thursdays: 9:00am – 10:15am; 11:30am – 12:45pm; 2:00pm – 3:15pm
- Fridays: 9:00am – 10:15am; 11:30am – 12:45pm
Special testing time blocks for FINAL Exams will be offered as follows:
- Mondays: 9:00am – 12:00pm; 1:00pm – 4:00pm
- Tuesdays: 9:00am – 12:00pm; 2:00pm – 5:00pm
- Wednesdays – Thursdays: 9:00am – 12:00pm; 1:00pm – 4:00pm
- Fridays: 9:00am – 12:00pm
Schedule a Testing Appointment
To schedule an academic test appointment for your class, please E-mail with the following information:
- Your First Name:
- Your Last Name:
- Your Contact E-mail Address: (E-mail address that you will check and reply to)
- University of Hawaii (UH) I.D. Number (UH 8-digit ID number assigned when accepted to UH system, includes all UH Community Colleges)
- Your Instructor’s Name: (First, Last)
- Your Instructor’s Course & Course Number (i.e.: Math 140):
- Your planned test date & time block. (Please keep in mind that availability is based on limited seating on a first come, first serve appointment base only. If the date and time block you want to reserve are full, we will contact you to let you know)
For questions, please contact Hanwell Kaakimaka or Varouny Sybounmy at or (808) 845-9130.
** Please note that for all individual make-up test appointments, students cannot schedule their own make-up test appointment date and time. All individual make-up test appointments will be made through the student’s instructor and the testing center. Students will be contacted by the Honolulu Community College Testing Center to inform them of their assigned appointment date and time.
To check in for your in-person testing appointment, please report to the Honolulu CC Testing Center (Building 7, 3rd floor, Room 313) 15 minutes or more prior to your scheduled appointment. Please remember that all test appointments are by scheduled test blocks. If you are late, your test appointment may have to be re-scheduled for another day.
Placement Testing
In-person Accuplacer Placement Testing is available by appointment only Monday through Thursday for Honolulu CC Home Campus students only.
HonCC uses a variety of ways to check student’s skill levels in English and Math to ensure students will be placed in the right level classes. There are alternative placement methods available. Another option is to take the Accuplacer test. Accuplacer tests will assess your skill levels in reading, writing, and math to determine if you’re ready to take courses that will earn you credits at that school. If you show proficiency in a subject, you won’t have to take developmental courses and can start earning credits right away that count toward a degree or certificate.
Schedule a Placement Testing Appointment
To Schedule a placement test, please contact the Honolulu CC Testing Center by e-mail at In the e-mail, please include the following information to begin the process of determining and setting up your placement test appointment/option:
- First Name
- Middle Initial (If applicable)
- Last Name
- E-mail Address (UH E-mail or other)
- University of Hawaii (UH) I.D. Number (UH 8-digit i.d. number assigned when accepted to UH system, includes all UH Community Colleges)
- Please answer the following question(s) below to help us determine which test you will be taking for your placement test (English as a Second Language or the Standard English Test).
- Question 6A) Were you born and raised in the United States: Yes or NoQuestion 6B) If you answered the question above with a “NO” answer, at what age did you come to the United States: (Please answer with your age in which you came to the United States and not the year in which you came to the United States.)
For questions, please contact Hanwell Kaakimaka or Varouny Sybounmy at or (808) 845-9130.
Accuplacer Placement Re-Test
Accuplacer Placement Re-Test available by assigned appointment only.
If you are planning on re-taking the Accuplacer Placement Test and your Accuplacer Placement Test Scores are within the 2 year valid test range from the time you last took the Accuplacer Placement Test, there will be a $25.00 retest fee and you must contact a Honolulu CC Academic Counselor to get a Honolulu CC Accuplacer Placement Test Referral at or (808) 845-9162.
Once you have received a completed Honolulu CC Accuplacer Placement Test Referral from the Honolulu CC Academic Counselor and have completed payment of the $25.00 retest fee at the Honolulu CC Business Office, you must e-mail the Honolulu CC Testing Center at with a copy of your completed Honolulu CC Accuplacer Placement Test Referral Form and a copy of your receipt of payment from the Honolulu CC Business Office for the $25.00 Accuplacer Retest Fee. At that point, the Honolulu CC Testing Center will contact you and schedule an in-person Accuplacer Test Appointment.
Accuplacer Placement Test Sample Questions
Sample test questions are available at the College Board website. There are Accuplacer sample links listed below:
- Accuplacer Sample Questions [PDF]
- Accuplacer WritePlacer Sample Essays [PDF]
- Accuplacer Practice Tests
Sign up for a username and password, and then click on Next Generation Practice Tests.
Alternative Placement Measures
Submit a Self Report Form to the Honolulu CC Admissions Office for alternative English and Math placement options.
Early College Participants
For Early College High School Students taking Honolulu CC Courses through the Department of Education, please contact your high school counselor or the Honolulu CC Outreach Office.